Poetry Foundation
Website Redesign
Poetry Foundation is a United States literary society that seeks to promote poetry and lyricism in the wider culture.
However, its website information organization is unclear and made navigation difficult. Besides, exploring new poems
is hard since it presents all the collection in alphebetical order.
1 Organize information better
& make searching easier
& make searching easier
2 Make navigation interactive & fun,
encouraging user to explore
encouraging user to explore
Final Redesign (Gif)
Website structure
01. Explore Poem Page
Gives you a random poem whenever clicked on button

02. Poem Details Page
The full poem is shown together with relevant information: poem info,more by the poet and related content. The sections can be moved up
and down by dragging to reveal content beneath.

03. Hyperlink Function
Hover on key words and the site will show poems including the same key word. Click on the word to see all the poems including this word.
04. Poem Cloud
Poem Cloud randomly displays 70 poems from the whole collection.Click “shuffle” to display a new batch of poems. Each “star” reveals a
poem when hovering upon.